
Access data, statistics, and visualizations about New York's electricity grid.

Carbon-free Year (CLCPA Status)

A bar graph of the percent of annual electrical demand served by energy source. As required by the CLCPA legislation, 100% of New York State's electrical demand will need to come from carbon-free energy sources by 2040, and 70% from renewable energy sources by 2030.


Carbon-free Time Series (CLCPA Status)

A time series of the percent of daily electrical demand served by carbon-free energy sources (nuclear and renewables), overlayed by the aggregate annual percentages. The dotted contour shows what the total would be if all the imported energy into the state came from carbon-free sources (which it doesn't currently, but might in the future). As required by the CLCPA legislation, 100% of New York State's electrical demand will need to come from carbon-free energy sources by 2040, and 70% from renewable energy sources by 2030. Note: This figure was inspired by NYISO Power Trends 2020 - Figure 12: Production of In-State Renewables & Zero-Emission Resources Relative to 2019 Load.


Decarbonization Heat Map

A heatmap showing the hourly and seasonal variation in carbon-free operation of the electric grid. In the summer months when there is peak electrical demand, the grid typically relies more on carbon emitting energy sources to meet the load than it does in other seasons. In the evening hours when load is relatively low, a significant portion of that energy can be met by carbon-free energy sources.


Decarbonization Clock

A heatmap showing carbon-free operation of the electric grid over the course of the average day.


Energy Generation

A time series of the daily electric energy demand served by each energy source.
